Do you have an athletic team made up of new members? Do you have an on-the-job team that is not meshing well together? Looking to find a way to develop trust and a spirit of unity within your family? Then the LDIC (Leadership Development Initiative Course) is the thing for you! This low ropes course will wake your people up and help them gel as a team. Our course was designed by a local veteran and built by several Alert Academy cadets. The minimum group size is 8 the max is 25 we will break up groups and do multiples after that. We have motivated, qualified, instructors that will lead your team through the course. Our team leads will provide encouragement, throwing challenges and direction throughout every station of the course. It will be a fun and rewarding time, with wonderful memories and building team spirit. Call us for more details and to book your trip through the course. 903-426-5727